As a bandleader...
Dr. Angeroth Franks has been a jazz educator at both the collegiate and high school levels, working with students to develop their skills in both combo and big band settings. Drawn to the grooves of Thad Jones and nuance of Duke Ellington, Dr. Angeroth Franks aims to give students a variety of experiences in jazz. This includes running summer camps and jazz festivals, which he did as Director of Jazz Ensembles at Southern Arkansas University, and in his current role as Director of Jazz at Simpson College.
As a performer...
Flint has spent time in concert halls, jazz clubs, and in recording studios. Having joined the Luther College Jazz Orchestra (LCJO) on their tour of Brazil, Flint was also a member of the ensemble that recorded the album Aquerela the following year in 2013. During his time in Greensboro, Flint stayed active in the jazz community, playing with the UNCG Jazz Band and worked as the Jazz TA for the Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program.